Why the sudden negative thoughts you asked me???
The reason why I am not in a "YOOHOO!!! NEW YEAR!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA and then BOOM you passed out after you had too much Tiger beer.." mood is because Jodi, one of me best buddies had left me....She has gone..Gone...to another place.........another place called...KL...(you go zzzzzzzz). Well, she's about to start her A levels there.
I sent her off just now...After a lot of hugs...I didn't cry though...As in tears bursting out of my eye sockets!!! Wakaka....I didn't know whether to smile or cry...Well, poor Lydia....(Jodi's younger sister)..All alone in a 2 storey house with an orange tom cat called Garfield in the afternoons...on weekdays.... Just me and Jodi....
Lydia with her sweet smile trying to lure me to stay with her as a replacement.Haha
"HUG!!" yeah...I know I looked like a mountain bear crushing Jodi to death..tho she's trying to smile the pain off....hahaha
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