History Misery....7th DAY

*This blog is miserably boring so readers' dicretion is advisable.

Hmm...nothing much today besides having no idea how to do some of the questions in History. Yesterday, I was trying to change my "learning position" which is usually reading while sitting in my chair so I grabbed some pillows and lied on the floor. I turned on my lamp to create a soothing atmosphere as it was quite dark eventhough it was in the afternoon.I even played some classical songs on the radio. I started to read my notes which I had painstakingly copied but IN THE END....I end up rolling about on the floor playing with my camera......

This morning, there was a question asking us to name the area which is included in the MSC Malaysia. I know that one of the area ends with "jaya" but I can't seem to get the answer. Then suddenly Petaling Jaya(which is SO WRONG) popped into my head so I wrote it down. I then turned to look at Jodi who was seated not far from me and asked " What was the area included in MSC liao??? " She whispered that she had no idea too then Dorothy who was sitting behind me answered " Putrajaya" which made us go "OOOOHHHHH, I remember".

So after that Bong, Jodi and I kinda went crazy because we were BORED so we attempted a Mexican Wave starting from Bong, followed by me then Jodi. Ing Thian caught us fooling around so he joined in. So, there were just four of us messing around during the exam while there was a teacher in the class. Well, he didn't saw us standing up and down because he was busy marking some papers. Actually, I wanted to capture us doing that but my camera got confisticate by the teacher because silly Fabian in the front was not hiding it properly and he was supposed to take a video for me. Luckily, the teacher was Mr. Wong who's quite lenient and not much of a meanie so I was able to get my camera back.....

Well, that's all...ciao


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