*This blog is filled with vivid descriptions of the difficult journey so readers' discretion is advisable.

Today was the last day of the zone trial exam and it is also the last time we're ever gonna sit for any exams in high school. (SPM is excluded) Well, a lot of the Form 5 were sleeping in because only those who are taking Chinese were needed to come. So, when the bell finally rang everyone went into a frenzy of 5 seconds . My friends started banging their tables and shouting on top of their lungs. Hahahaha....

After that, I followed Amy home to change because later we're embarking on the most dangerous journey of our life....

Will we survive the wilderness??? Will we be able to overcome the lethal creatures lurking in the undergrowth....????

Don't you dare tell me that your journey to Mount Everest was harder than this...we've actually waded through swamps and wide rivers filled with crocodiles and I just didn't catch it on camera for fear of dropping it!!!

*If you're almost going blind trying to read the words in the video, I apologise. Just ignore them, because what I said was pretty much nonsense.


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