I've Been Tagged......

*This post may be a bore so readers' discretion is advised.

Well, this is the first time I've gotten tagged in blogsphere. FYI, May tagged me and so I had to do this:

Rule: The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his / her perfect lover. Have to mention the gender of his / her perfect lover. Tag 8 other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

Then, I realised wouldn't it be easier if I just name 8 persons that I would love to have as my lover???
*grins gleefully while trying hard not to drool all over the keyboard.

1. William Beckett, the adorable lead singer from The Academy Is.....

2. Brendon Urie, another HOT lead singer from Panic At The Disco..

Jensen Ackles ,the bad boy Winchester brother from the series Supernatural.

4. Jared Padalecki, the sweet younger Winchester brother from the series Supernatural.

5. Steven Strait, a gorgeous American actor.

6. Gerard Way, the sexy lead singer from My Chemical Romance.


Takeshi Kaneshiro, the gorgeous Japanese hunk of an actor.

8. William Moseley, a good looking British actor who starred in the Narnia movies.

Hahahaha...I guess May might be peeved that I modified her tag...so here are the 8 points then...

1. He must love FOOD! Because I don't want to gulp down a Big Mac and stuff my mouth with fries and all he does is stares at me with a piece of lettuce hanging on the side of his mouth.

2. He has to be HOT!!!! (Okay, how come I sound like Paris Hilton???) Nah, just joking...

3. Is a goofball and likes to do crazy stuff with me...Well, I don't want a party pooper guy...haha

4.It would be a BONUS if he's MUSICAL!!! Coz, I think musical guys are so dreamy...That's why there's a bunch of musician's photos up there.....and then, he can write me a song like May's...erhem...

5.Has a sense of ADVENTURE!!! So, crack the whip, my Indy darling...wakaka...

6.Down to earth/ easy going...It would be a pain the ass to have a DIVA boyfriend....

7.It would be the best if he's a Christian so we might share some common principles in life like practicing abstinence....*hint..hint...Joe Jonas hehe...ooppsss..Audrey might kill me for this....

8.Must be able to tolerate my constant non-stop chattering....yeah, I can't stop talking....

OVERALL: He must love me.

I tagged : Rene


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